Hank Chi-Hsi Kung

I am a visiting researcher at Indiana University Bloomington where I am working with Prof. David Crandall and Prof. Linda Smith. My current research focuses on 3D representation learning in both human and machine intelligence, aiming to reverse-engineer the process by which children develop 3D representation learning.

Previously, I was a research assistant at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, where I focused on visual compositional representation and self-supervised video representation learning under the guidance of Prof. Yi-Ting Chen and Dr. Yi-Hsuan Tsai.

I was a research intern at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. I received my M.Sc from National Tsing-Hua University, where I was supervised by Prof. Che-Rung Lee, and B.Sc from National Taipei University.

I am actively seeking a Ph.D. position starting in Fall 2025

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My research goal is to reverse engineer the human cognition. Intuitive Physics World Models, a foundamental componet enabling human to imagining the physical interaction and causality can help machines adapt to novel situations. I aim to build Intuitive Physics World Models to facilitate human-like intelligence. Toward this, learning compositional and augmentable representations is a crucial component as physical interaction and object properties are compositional concepts and can be "reused" to form new patterns and concepts.

Moreover, I am fascinated by how humans rapidly learn novel compositions with minimal experience, motivating me to approach learning compositionality through human learning by integrating insights from child development and cognitive sciences.


Aug 2024

Give a talk at CVGIP 2024!

Apr 2024

Co-organizing the 3rd ROAD Workshop & Challenge at ECCV 2024!

Mar 2024

One paper on Visual Action-centric Representation is accepted at CVPR 2024!

Feb 2024

One paper on Risk Identification is accepted at ICRA 2024!


Action-slot: Visual Action-centric Representations for Atomic Activity Recognition in Traffic Scenes

Chi-Hsi Kung, Shu-Wei Lu, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Yi-Ting Chen
CVPR, 2024
project page / paper / arxiv / code / TACO dataset

We use Action-slot to represent atomic activities. The learned attention can discover and localize atomic activities with only weak video labels and without using any perception module (e.g., object detector).

RiskBench: A Scenario-based Benchmark for Risk Identification

Chi-Hsi Kung, Chieh-Chi Yang, Pang-Yuan Pao, Shu-Wei Lu, Pin-Lun Chen, Hsin-Cheng Lu, Yi-Ting Chen
ICRA, 2024
project page / video / paper / code / dataset

The FIRST benchmark that enables evaluation of various types of risk identification algorithms, namely, rule-based, trajectoy-prediction-based, collision prediction, and behavior-change-based. We also assess the influence of risk identification to the downstream driving task.

ADD: A Fine-grained Dynamic Inference Architecture for Semantic Image Segmentation

Chi-Hsi Kung and Che-Rung Lee
IROS, 2021 & ACML 2021 MRVC workshop
paper / code

We use Neural Architecture Search (NAS) to find an optimal structure for dynamic inference on semantic segmentation.

Conference Reviewer

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2024)

The International Conference on Machine Learning (2025)

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2023-2025)

IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (2024)

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